Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What's the Worst That Could Happen?

Hey, y'all--
Last night I went to an AA meeting, and someone shared that a really bad thing had happened at work and they were scared of losing their job. I shared that lately I have developed this philosophy of asking myself, "What's the worst that could happen?" Then I mentally prepare myself for that, so then I can tell myself that anything else that happens has to be better than that! It's really working for me. Yeah, me, the original pressimist! Hey, if it can work for me, it can definitely work for you--just try it, you'll see.

I think a positive outlook on life is just as important for those of us with bipolar as the medications we have to take. Medications can take care of the physical part of our illness, but our attitude has to take care of the rest. Sometimes I have a "good bipolar day," and sometimes I have a "bad bipolar day"--but my medication is still the same. Alot of times whether I'm depressed or not has to do with my attitude, and I'm the only one who can control that.

Hope y'all are doing ok. Let me hear from you! And remember always--God loves you, and so do I.
Love, Michele


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