Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Shock Treatments

Well, I'm having ECT (shock treatments) again, and it seems to be helping me. Usually I get a migraine afterwards, but thank God I didn't get one today. I think Friday will be my last one, at least if all goes well. I hate that I have to have them, but at least they're helping me in the long run. I've tried everything else, medications, etc., but the shock treatments go right to the source. And the main thing is that I'm feeling better now. Hopefully, Friday will be my last one in this series. They held for 6 months before, so I'm hoping they'll hold that long again, or even longer. At least I'm feeling better, and that's the main thing.

ECT isn't the most fun way to help bipolar, but when it works, it works great, and this time is working real well for me--hopefully just one more on Friday, and I'll be done.

Till next time...
Remember that God loves you and so do I,


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