Saturday, June 10, 2006

ECT Break

Hey, y'all--
I'm on an ECT break today, so I thought I'd share a little bit. I've had 3 sessions this past week, and I have to be honest, it's not going as well as it did the last time. Of course, I'm my biggest critic... We thought I was only going to have to have 4 this time, but I'm already re-scheduled for 3 next week in addition to the 3 I had last week. The first time I had ECT, she called it "bi-frontal." This time she is doing it "uni-temporal," so maybe that's why I'm not responding as good as I did the first time. Memory's been pretty good, tho, well, that is, until last night when I couldn't even remember my fiance's last name! Momentary lapse. The rest of my memory seems to be intact.

I've also been feeling very scared when I go for the treatments this time, which I got over feeling before by the 3rd treatment before. I don't know why else this time would be different. The main complaint I have is the killer migraines that I get after each treatment. I just have to think positive, and hope that after these sessions, I'll feel as good as I did after last time's, and that I held it for six months. I just don't feel like myself these days...but hopefully the ECT is supposed to bring me out of that, and maybe next week I'll be able to write more positive things.

I did do an interview with my ECT doctor, and it's going to be in the next InnerCircle Newsletter, so watch for it!

I'll try to write more next week and let you know how it's going.
Remember, God loves you and so do I.
Love, Michele


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