Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sunday Thoughts

Hey Y'all--

Just relaxing on another stormy Sunday--it's been raining here for 3 days now, with another 10 days predicted! I don't mind thunderstorms--actually, I like them. It's just that I have to shut the computer down with thunder and lightning, which means I can't write any articles for the website ( I've written the first 50 of the 100 I'm writing for Dave, which should be posted soon--so all the topics y'all have been looking for and getting frustrated at not finding on Google will be there soon. I know, because I've been looking for them, too, and been frustrated. That's the advantage to having a writer who also has Bipolar Disorder--I have all the same struggles as you do, and have been frustrated at not finding the information I need to know, like with the medications I take, and articles on the topics I want to read about. For instance, I wrote one on dealing with a bipolar spouse, and another on bipolar relationships, based on my own. So hopefully y'all will benefit from my own experiences of living with bipolar, plus living with someone else who also has bipolar, plus my son has it. Boy, nothing like living in a bipolar household! :) Well, today it's a sleepy bipolar household, so it's rather peaceful, which is nice. Hope you're having as peaceful a day.

Remember, God loves you and so do I!
Love, Michele


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