Monday, August 11, 2008

Don't Panic

Hey, y'all --

Great to see that our little "family" is growing around here! Hope to see some more people posting soon, so that we can all help to encourage each other, because that's what we're here for.

Today I want to talk about not panicking because, of course, this weekend, I did panic. Over money, of all things.

I don't get paid till Thurs., so we're, well, how should I say it? BROKE until then. I mean, counting change broke till then, so of course I start panicking, talking about pawning rings, how am I going to get my medication, we don't even have a loaf of bread...

...until I've practically got myself into an anxiety attack.

And here I am always talking about being so spiritual, right? I should practice what I preach. God always has an answer. We just may not always see it.

Ya know, I really should practice what I preach. I've learned my lesson, believe me.

And all this time that I'm in this state, I'm wondering why hubby is so calm! Why isn't he panicking with me?

Well, he made one phone call to his mom, and borrowed enough money to last us till payday. Nuff said.

She came over yesterday with a bag of groceries and $100 bill.

I was flabbergasted! I didn't know what to say. All my anxiety for nothing. All my panic for nothing! God took care of everything with one phone call.

When I thanked my mother-in-law for the help (in tears of course), she just smiled and said, "That's what Moms are for!"

Boy, did I learn a lesson.

So, next time you're in a tight spot, don't panic! God really does work everything out.

Wishing you peace and stability...
And Remember God loves you and so do I,


At 8:27 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

This is all so true. My family don't live close enough to just swing by, but I have a friend, *almost* closer to me than a sister. She knows me so well, she has researched this disorder with me, knows all my triggers. Even just mentioning that I have lots of housework to do before people come over, and she comes over unasked and picks up a broom. Because she knows that too much on my list stresses me out, and if I can't get it all done I panic, and that snowballs...

I panic about scheduling conflicts... a lot. Especially if they are something I have no control over. (I think I am a bit of a control freak. :-)) I have found that if I can just remember to breathe and trust in God, it all works out. Something gets cancelled or rescheduled, I am able to set up a detailed time table so it all gets taken care of, or He just helps me keep breathing until I'm done.

This disorder can be hard to deal with- the fact that this will be a life long thing has brought me to tears several times. But having the support here that knows me, loves me anyway, and steps in with me whenever I need... they are my life line.

Thank you for the reminder!

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Just wanted to let you know that I will be away from keyboard for awhile. A few days at least. Went to doctor today and was scheduled for surgery tomorrow at 12:30. It was an either have the surgery asap or lose your kidney so am doing the surgery. I have a rather large kidney stone times three months now, that is stuck and blocking things from flowing right. He is afraid that damage might have already been done to the kidney. Anyway, I go in around 11 am (MST) and if things went well will be coming home to recover on thursday. Say a prayer for me a little worried and scared.

At 5:56 AM, Blogger Michele said...

Melissa, my prayers are with you. I had that problem with my gallbladder, so I know how you feel. But everything went well, and I have been fine ever since. Just remember NOT to panic, and that God has everything under control! :)

My therapist helped me alot with that. She taught me to only do one thing at a time. Just one thing. (re: your scheduling conflicts). Do remember your breathing exercises, and to trust in God. You may not always have everything under control, but HE does. He always knows what's going to happen before we do. And He always knows the outcome, and that's always good, too.

Girls, have a great day today.
Remember God love you and so do I,


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