Friday, July 18, 2008

I Am SO Excited - 2 New BP Devotionals SOON!!

Hey, ya'll --

I am SO excited! I have just finished writing the third BP devotional, so they'll be ready to be sold on REAL soon!!! (the 2nd and 3rd -- the 1st one is already available).

Writing the devotionals is my most favorite form of writing -- combining writing about bipolar disorder and about the Lord... I just go into my own private world, and am so happy! I just can't wait till they come out and you can read them, too!

Other than that, things are going well in my own personal life as well. We got a new (used) car which will only use half the gas our jeep did (YES!), so we won't be going broke any more, so I'm really grateful for that.

I got a new printer, and my (Marine) son, the computer genius, put it together for me yesterday. This isn't any ole printer, mind you. I think this thing comes with a mind of its own, truly! I never could have done what Tyler did. And even he took an hour to do it (well, of course, he never has to use instructions, either). This thing is so complicated, but it does everything -- not just print, but fax, copy, scan, etc. And prints 7,000 pages! Y'all, I am in printer heaven!

So, all in all, especially compared to my last post, I am doing so much better. It's funny how things can change from day to day, isn't it? Well, I guess not so funny/strange when you've got bipolar disorder. We deal with this all the time, don't we?

I'm just glad today is a better day. Thank God for that. I hope y'all are having good days, too.

Come on, it's too quiet out there! Where is everyone? How are you doing? I hope you're ok?

I wish you peace and stability.

Remember God loves you and so do I,


At 9:27 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Hey Michele,
I am still around. Sorry I have not been commenting lately. Been having a rough go of it. I know I have been bp all of my adult life but having it diagnosed finally seems to make things worse for me. Know I have a name for it and knowing it will never go away and I will have to take meds to control it for the rest of my life just pisses my off so much. I need to go to work and am afraid if I tell them about the BP they won't hire me but if I don't tell them and miss work cuz of it then I will lose my job. I just don't know what to do.
anyho, that is were I am at.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Michele said...


I am so glad to hear from you - I was so worried! I'm sorry to hear you're not doing well. I had the same problems with work, which is why I'm working from home. Dave has this whole guide about a gazillion (LOL) ways to work from home - maybe you should get it?

As far as taking meds for the rest of my life, I got ok with it by comparing it to a diabetic, who has to take insulin for the rest of their lives, too. I may not like it, but if keeps me stable, well, just think of the alternative!

Learning about the diagnosis and accepting the diagnosis are 2 different things. There is kind of a grief process you go thru. The first part is anger (I think you're already there :))

Then you go thru other stages before you finally get to acceptance, which is where you finally need to be.

Is there any way you can get Dave's course? It would help you SO much. (I"m not a salesperson, juat that I went thru it, and it helped me tremendously).

Well, keep writing, and please don't give up?

Remember God loves you and so do I (and I care what happens to YOU),

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Thanks Michele,
Ironically i am also Diabetic. I dealt with it and understand that I have to take meds for it. My husband was diagnosed diabetic yesterday. So know we both not only BP in common but diabetes and liver disease. We were informed he had liver disease yesterday also which I was diagosed with five or six years ago. The only thing we don't share is my COPD and back problems. It is just getting to be too much to handle.
anyhjo, thank you for your suport and for being here. I wish I could afford Dave's courses. I to think they would help me alot but right now we just don't have the extra money. Maybe in a few months.

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Michele said...

Melissa --

That is strange that you both are diabetic also -- I was just using it as an example. You sure do have a lot on your hands.

re: Dave's courses, they can work out a payment plan with you. I'd hate to see you not be able to get them, because I know they would help you.

Keep going girl, and don't give up!

Remember God loves you and so do I,
ps. Watch for new post.


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