Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Each Day is a New Day

Hey, y'all --

There are good days, and there are bad days, but each day is a new day.

I hate to sound so cliche, but it's true. With bipolar disorder, if you have more than a few bad days in a row, you can be afraid you're going into an episode. But if you have a good attitude, like I'm talking about, and you take it one day at a time, thinking "Each day is a new day," you may not have to go into that episode.

Keeping a positive attitude isn't always easy, believe me. I've had a migraine for 3 days in a row. Definitely NOT happy about that one. But I refuse to have one today. I woke up this morning thinking, "Each day is a new day. I don't have to have a migraine today."

In other words, I'm not just spouting platitudes at you. If I am, I should say, I'm spouting them at myself as well.

Which isn't to say that they don't work. They do. Positive attitudes can be just as important as the medication that we take for our bipolar disorder.

And, as I said, each day is a new day. One day is all we really have anyway. Haven't you ever heard the expression, "Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday?" :)

So smile, and make today a great day!

I wish you peace and stability.

Remember God loves you and so do I,


At 7:31 AM, Blogger The Pastoral Princess said...

I think I am going to add that phrase to my blog!! I like that!

Having one of those days today where I am teetering on the edge of despair and I am desperately trying to climb out of it! Postive thoughts, happy thoughts....and some Valium...then I feel crappy for popping pills...ugggh...why can't we all just be normal? I guess life would be boring then huh?


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