Thursday, July 03, 2008

Overthinking Yourself

Hey, y'all --

Have you ever found yourself "overthinking" yourself?

That's what I think I'm doing to myself today.

I think I'm depressed. No, I'm not depressed. I don't want to be depressed. Ok, if I'm not depressed, what am I? I'm tired. No, well, I got enough sleep, so I can't be tired. Well, if I'm not tired, what am I? Hmm... bored. Ok, I'm bored. Well, I should do something then. But there's nothing to do. I could do laundry, but the laundry's caught up. I'll watch TV. But there's never anything on TV I want to watch. Besides, that's being lazy.

See what I mean? Overthinking.

Next thing you know, you're feeling all anxious, because you've got all these racing thoughts running through your head fighting with each other for your attention! And then you've got to be careful, because racing thoughts can lead to a manic episode.

I think I'll just sit here and stare out my window at the birds in my yard...

And try not to think of anything at all. :)

I wish you health and stability.

Remember God loves you and so do I,


At 9:35 PM, Blogger Peggy said...

Hi Michele...I read David Oliver's emails/mini course and found out about you last year but just found your blog today. My spouse told me that I was bipolar but it wasn't until I read David's stuff last year that I admitted that I probably do have a bipolar disorder. Anyways, my interest in you, your survivor story was because of the devotional, I think that you wrote. So clearly, you believe in God. I will be reading through you blog looking for the spirituality part. I'm sorry that your moods were all over today. When I feel like that I pray! I did not realize that when my mind
or thoughts are racing that I'm on a verge of a manic episode. I'll commit your racing thoughts and mine to Jesus and His Control. For I have been given a sound mind, according to 2 Timothy, too! Do you like to read or play games on the internet? or just blog around...overthinking huh?

Well, I know God loves you, you are a survivor!! May God help you to overcome your current state of mind...overthinking...and be filled with stability...healing and a peace that passes all understanding! Enjoy the birds and their song...sing along! :)

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Michele said...


So glad you're here! Yes, I did write the devotional. In fact, the second one is done, being typed as we speak, and the third one is in the process of being written. I hope you'll read them.

Were it not for the Lord, I don't think I could handle my bipolar disorder at all. He keeps me going on "bad BP days."

I am stable, but there are still those days...I have to be honest here on the blog, because I know that's why people depend on me. There has to be at least one person who doesn't just paint a rosy picture of this disorder. Even with stability, there are still bad days.

On those days, you're right. The only thing to do is pray. And I do alot of that. Especially these days, when I'm writing the devotionals. Seems like the enemy is not real happy (I'm sure you understand that).

Again, welcome, and I hope you'll come back.

I wish you peace and stability,
Remember God loves you and so do I.


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