Thursday, June 05, 2008

Ready or Not...(Here I Come?)

Hey, y'all --

We were supposed to stay over Bill's mom's house tonight to have a yard sale tomorrow and Sat., but we decided not to do it -- for several reasons. The biggest one because we just aren't ready.

I spent 3 weeks tearing the house apart pulling things together for the yard sale, but there are still things I want to put into it -- but with just one day left (today), I still don't feel ready, and today both Bill and I have doctor's appointments, and I have some writing to do as well.

So in order to get everything done, I would have to push myself, and would be under alot of pressure.

The point is, that stress is one of the biggest triggers to a bipolar episode. And I want to remind you (as well as myself) of that, because it just isn't worth it. In this case it might sound trivial because, after all, here I'm just talking about a yard sale, but don't miss the point.

Whether it's just a yard sale, your entire family coming over for a big dinner, a huge presentation at work, or anything else you're just not ready for -- don't push yourself or take on added stress. It's just not worth it.

Take things slow, make sure you're ready for them when YOU'RE ready for them. Don't adhere to someone else's expectations of when something should be done. If it means asking for an extension on a project at work, then do it -- it's certainly NOT worth a bipolar episode.

Oh, and BTW? We're going to do the yard sale NEXT week! :)

Remember God loves you and so do I,


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