Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A Perfect Day in Bipolar-ville

Hey, y'all --

Well, today is just a perfect day in Bipolar-ville. Any day that I'm not manic or depressed, actually, is a perfect day in Bipolar-ville!

It's like in AA, that any day I don't take a drink is a good day.

If I keep my expectations low enough, it's easy to exceed them! :)

These days, my life is so simple, it's peaceful, it's wonderful. I've gotten rid of all the busy-ness of it, and so it's pretty stress-free, which is how you have to make it if you want to keep the episodes away from knocking at your door.

At one point I thought I would always have episodes, with just a few days in between -- but basically my whole life would be filled with episode after episode after episode. That was really how my life was.

I had never heard of managing the disorder until I met Dave and found bipolarcentral.com. And he taught me that there are systems you can put in place, specific things you can actually learn that you can manage the disorder for yourself. Things that are NOT pills you have to take! Boy, was that a revelation for me!

So now I've learned them, have them in place, I've reduced the stress in my life, and for the most part, I live a very simple, very peaceful life. The point is, that you can too. If it worked for me, it can work for you. I'm nobody special. I've just learned to manage my bipolar disorder.

So, (thank you, Jesus), today is just another day in Paradise. Or, as I like to put it, another peaceful day in Bipolar-ville!

Hope y'all are doing ok. I'd love to hear from you, let me know how you're doing?

Remember that God loves you and so do I,


At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:07 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

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At 2:49 PM, Blogger Claire Sewell said...

Hi Michelle,

I've commented once or twice under my old blog name. I've just created a new blog where I can express my bipolarity with a sense of freedom, rather than having to watch what I say for fear of who was reading my blog.

I'm a bit like you. I learned a hundred and one little ways to manage the disorder and survived that way for over twenty years. When I introduced low dose medication to the mix, my life was trasnformed into the happy and simple life I enjoy today.

Let's celebrate!!

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

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At 11:47 AM, Blogger thelmaandlouise said...

I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder approximately 3 years ago at the University of Colorado hospital (while vacationing with my second husband). My whole life I have always been withdrawn from people and have never really cared to socialize. I always had thoughts of hurting myself..and I finally acted on those thoughts by cutting my wrist to release the internal pain I felt inside (that first incident occured around the time I was diagnosed). I suffer everyday with up and down mood swings and it is so very frustrating. I am glad to see oother individuals with Bipolar posting sites on the Internet to give hope and strength to other sufferers. Thank you for all of your insight on this disease and lets all try to keep strong and not allow the enemy (devil) win our souls!

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 22 years, and I recently had a terrible spring break by nearly committing suicide with an overdose of pills. I was supposed to have a newly perfect life of 34 years, but I ended up having insomnia, manic episodes, unsuccessful job huntings,irritability, arguments with my husbands,excessive spendings, and other awful things that went on with my life. I really need your help on how to manage my bipolar once and for all. I know you don't want to hear my sob story, but I need someone to hear me out. I just turned 34 on April 1st, and I was supposed to have a perfect year of 34 with no mistakes. My husband of nearly 6years just called me lazy because he's been doing most of the housework. I threatened at one point I wanted out of the marriage!

At 12:31 PM, Blogger thelmaandlouise said...

Hey paula anne..I know how you are feeling and everyday we are faced with trials. Our lives in Bipolarville are like riding a rollar coaster..we have our up and down moments but the important thing is to hold on without falling off. I will say a prayer for you and keep strong..you will make it!

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Bi-polar38 said...

Hello everyone...new to the site, bi-polar of course.
I just received an interesting e-mail from David Oliver, he said that he ran into a man who thinks bi-polar is a lie?! he said he did not know how to react to that....well I would have reacted alright!
Like David said there are 13 million people in the country with this curse, so I guess we are liars...damn we're good! people need to educate them selves first before going on their rampage about bi-polar! at least know what it is, and find out - hello it does exist!
I faced the simualr thing years ago, someone told me it was in all in my head...oh I can't repeat what I said, but I put him straight for sure.
So non-bi-polar people....read about it before you open your mouth!

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Bi-polar38 said...

Hello Paula Anne......
don't we sound familiar! I lived the same way for years, could not get a handle on Bi-polar what so ever, never knew I had it, didn't know what the hell was wrong with me thought I was some kind of freak! never medicated either - oh not good!, always thought something was not quite right, totally cycling out, and the same things you mentioned. My partner at the time back then figured instead of understanding me or help me, he would try and control it, me...well that did not work out so well. One summer night I lost it, totally snapped, got into one of the worst fights with him possible, and he had quite the temper him self, wasn't shy at raising the hand, he was pushed and tired him self....
anyways, I totally lost it one summer night (8years ago) he took off for a few hours, turned into the whole night, I tried to kill my self, won't say how, but I would not be here if it were not for my girlfriend, she thought she would drop by and see how I was doing, well she found me, went to the hospital and all that fun stuff....
I spent a month in the special floor of the hospital, it was there I was diagnosed Bi-polar, and put on Medication, my whole family on my mother's side is Bi-polar, her sisters, her self, everyone, never knew it, again thought my mom's family was a little extreme.
since then it has been a battle with the partners. People do not understand it - it scares them, you mention "Bi-polar" to anyone, and right away they think oooh your dangerous or crazy.....
I still have my battles, the ups and downs, roller coaster of how do I feel today? The main things are find the right medications for you, keep close contact with your doctor or who is supporting you and your Bi-polar, teach your spouse "about" bi-polar, then he will understand, and he will know how to approach you in those great days of bi-polar, and those lovely not so great days, he will adjust and learn, and the two of you will be able to find that balance, it is working for me...I am with a great supporting guy right now, he has read everything under the sun about it, calmness and understanding really works in a relationship, fighting and chaos will make us worse, maybe I am wrong? this is what I have done in the last few years.


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