Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Just Coasting...

Hey, y'all--

I think I'm convinced that it's the Lamictal that's been giving me this new energy and focus. Along with working out. I've just been feeling so good! And no, I'm not manic! :)

I'm just coasting... one day at a time, right? Well, this is a good day. Yesterday was a good day, too. That's the best I can do. We just can't let ourselves think about tomorrow until we're there. For people who have bipolar disorder, worrying about the next day before it's even here is like giving our brains free license to keep thinking rapid thoughts all night long and keeping us up! And that's no good for managing our disorder.

I know, because that's one of my biggest battles -- shutting down my thoughts. It's funny, too, because when I switched from the regular Seroquel to the Seroquel XR, I had racing thoughts again and trouble falling asleep. I was ok once I fell asleep, but had trouble falling asleep. Then, I had trouble getting up in the morning. So groggy! But now I'm back on regular Seroquel, and everything is fine again. Wouldn't you think there wouldn't be a problem? Or that the XR would be better because of the extended release part?

Have any of you had this problem? If you have, let me know.

Anyway, I'm going to go. I have a date with a cushy couch and a snuggly cover, watching a good DVD. It's practically snowing outside. My favorite kind of day!

Remember that God loves you and so do I!


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