Tuesday, June 03, 2008

BP is a disorder - it is NOT your life!

Hey, y'all --

I heard an expression recently: "Bipolar is a disorder - it is NOT your life!" And it so struck a chord with me, because for so many people when they first get diagnosed, it does seem that BP becomes their life. I remember when I was first diagnosed and the doctor gave me a brochure called "Living with Bipolar Disorder" (or something like that) -- which, if you want to know the truth -- actually left me with more questions than answers. I felt overwhelmed.

All of a sudden I wasn't ME anymore! I was now "a person with BP." I was a disease. A mental illness. A disorder. And that brochure was not only me, it was about to be my LIFE! According to this brochure, I now had to: 1) Go on medication (for the rest of my life), 2) Get a doctor (for blood tests to regulate these meds), 3) Get a psychiatrist (to prescribe these meds), 4) Get a therapist (to help me learn how to live with BP), 5) Find a supporter (a spouse? I wasn't even married! My parents? I lived alone! Friends? I'd long driven them away!), 6) Join a BP support group (so I could meet and share with other people like me).

That was years ago, and the overwhelming part is long over with. I did what the brochure said to do, because by the time I was diagnosed, I didn't have much of a life left anyway! At least not a "normal" one. I knew there was something wrong with me, and I was glad I finally had a name for it. I was especially glad they even had medication for it -- it proved I wasn't crazy! :)

And you know what else? I proved that saying at the beginning of this post. My bipolar disorder is just that to me -- a disorder. It's NOT my life! My life now is balanced by management of my BP, stability and serenity, peace of mind, a great job, a wonderful marriage (to a husband who also has BP so he understands me), reconciliation with my family, and everything in life I've ever wanted.

It's because bipolar disorder is only a PART of my life. It isn't my life.

I wish you the same stability and success.

Remember that God loves you and so do I,


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