Friday, June 06, 2008

Living in a Bipolar Bubble

Hey, y'all --

I was doing an interview with Dave the other day, and he asked a really good question:

He asked me if I thought if someone with bipolar disorder who lived in a glass bubble would still have BP symptoms and still need to take medication? (sounds kind of like the old "if a tree fell in the forest and there was no one around to hear it, would it still make a noise, doesn't it? :))

So I answered, "Yes." And here's why:

If you have bipolar disorder, and even if you lived in a glass bubble, away from the stresses of the world, with no problems, and even financially independent, happy, etc...

You would still have the chemical imbalance in your brain! And you know you would have this condition forever, because there is still no cure for the disorder, and those chemicals can still fire off at any time they choose, no matter how long you've been stable...

So even if you were to live in a glass bubble, with all the conditions I listed above... yes (in my humble opinion), you would still have to take medication, and you could still manifest the signs/symptoms of bipolar disorder!

Unfortunately, we still suffer from a lifelong illness. And, unfortunately, there is still no cure for it. So the only hope we have for long-term stability (recovery) is in the management and treatment of it. Which consists of medication and a good treatment plan (and a good support system).

Well, I hope you are enjoying long-term stability, glass bubble notwithstanding! :)

Remember God loves you and so do I!


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