Monday, June 16, 2008

Blessings of Stability

Hey, y'all --

Thank God our thunderstorms are over! For awhile there, we were getting them every day, with power outages and everything -- it was really frustrating, because I had to keep turning my computer off and on again.

But the sun is shining again, and I'm glad. I can see outside from my office window where my computer is, and since we live in the country, I can even hear the birds outside that window, which really makes me happy!

Ah, the blessings of stability! There was a time when I couldn't have seen the sunshine or listened to the birds outside my window, because I was isolated in bed, struck down with bipolar depression. It took a long time to get to where I am today. A lot of therapy, and a long time's worth of medication.

But it was all worth it. Today I appreciate what I have. Every day I go without an episode is a good day.

I wish you happiness and stability.

Remember God loves you and so do I!


At 8:28 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Hi Michelle,
I am glad your thunderstorms are finally over. I am glad that you are getting more stable moods than not. I am still waiting for that but it gets better day after day. Doc increased my abilify and it is starting to show a difference. Yesterday was a bad day but it was unbipolar related depression. I don't do good ever on Fathers Day. My dad is gone now so that day is not a good one. Not to mention this yr is the ten yr anniversary so that made it even harder.
Anyhow, I am doing alot better though. having more stable moods than not so that is a blessing.
Hope you have a great day

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Dear Michelle,
I came across your site by several days of searching the web for bipolar info. My daughter has been diagnosed for about 10 years. For the past 5 years she has rapidly gotten more and more manic. Not only does she live with us, her child and husband also do. My husband, myself, and her husband are all despirate for her to take her medication and see her doctor, but she refuses. The entire family walks on eggshells and she screams and argues daily, and she is miserable. We are all at a nervous breakdown point dealing with her. What can we do??? She uses the grandbaby as her tool threatening to take him and that scares us all to death. I thought maybe you could talk to her or give us some advice?? If you don't want to, I understand. Thank you, Emily

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Michele, I want to thank you for doing this blog. I was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was trying to find as much info as I could, some kind of support or hope. My husband doesn't really understand that I can't just "be happy" or "chill out". To top it off I am apperantly ADHD like my 6 year old son, and slightly OCD as well. Your posts have really touched me, and I know with good friends and family, a great physciatrist, and of course, the Lord, I can do this. Thanks for putting your life out there for everyone.

At 5:52 AM, Blogger Michele said...

I wish I could help everyone -- my heart just bleeds for you all. Melissa, I'm sorry you had such a bad Father's Day. So did my husband, and for the same reason. But I'm glad to hear that your moods are better-that's GREAT NEWS!!

Emily, when my son was 12 and was first diagnosed, it was so hard for me to see him go thru all that pain, but we survived. He is now 18, and episode free, thank God. I can't give much advice, unfortunately, because I'm not a mental health professional - I'm just another person with BP like y'all. All I can tell you is to try to find a really good therapist who can help you/your daughter. Unfortunately, the bad news is that you cannot help someone who doesn't want to be helped. That's where prayer comes in. Like I said about my son, sometimes all I could do was watch (like when he came to me and he had cut his arms up) and was unable to do anything about it (I took him to the psychiatrist, of course, but otherwise could do nothing).

And BTW, Michelle, I also have ADHD and OCD, so welcome to the club! :) The fact that we are here and stable is only a testament to the power of God to heal and to strengthen.

To all of you, thank you for giving me support. You give me a reason to keep posting.

If you need a place to go for more BP info, you can always go to It's a great website, and has LOTS of info on BP!

I wish you happiness and stability always, all of you.



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