Friday, June 27, 2008

Date Night

Hey, y'all --

Well, it's Friday, and Date Night! Even though my husband and I are married, we still have Date Night every Friday night --gives us an umph in our marriage, and gives us something special to do each week.

It's not always a big thing (we don't have a lot of money, after all) -- sometimes we go out to dinner, sometimes just to the mall to eat at the food court and watch the people (we love to people watch), sometimes drive to the mountains... as long as we get out of the house and do something. Well, not always out of the house. One of our favorite things to do is to "slumber party." We get some pillows and blankets, rent a movie and eat popcorn, right in our living room!

We started this a long time ago and are still doing it. We think it's one of the things that keeps us so close as a couple. Everyone else that we've told it to and has tried it has said the same thing.

Anyway, so it's Date Night, but that's not till later. In the meantime, I still have work to do, and a whole day to get through.

I've stopped taking the Chantix, and am feeling soooo much better! I was so scared I was going to go into a bipolar episode. You know, that's the second time I've taken Chantix, and the second time I've had the same symptoms. So now I'm feeling better and feeling like myself again. Hubby's real happy about it, too. He said it changed my whole personality, and definitely NOT for the better! All I know is, I went from being happy (like I am all the time now) to being depressed and irritable. So I know it was the Chantix. That's why I wrote that last post, to warn y'all.

Well, it's back to work for me!

I wish you happiness, stability, and a GREAT weekend (and for those who also do Date Night, a good Date Night, too!).

Remember God loves you and so do I,


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