Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hubby Had Bad BP Day

Hey, y'all --

Yesterday my husband had a "bad bipolar day." It was rough for me as well, because sometimes I get so caught up in my own disorder that I forget that I'm also a supporter to him.

He was depressed, but angry, but not at anyone or anything. Agitated, irritable, etc. All BP symptoms.

I felt so helpless -- I just didn't know what to do, except be supportive and hope that it passed.

It did. Today he's much better. But boy, was it scary. It always is, when you're faced with a potential bipolar episode.

Ya know, I really hate bipolar disorder. I mean, really hate it. It so messes with your life. Things could be going along so good, then BOOM, there it is again.

Like yesterday, here comes this bad bipolar day out of nowhere. When just the day before we had gone to Cherokee, NC, (not far from us, since we live in the foothills of the Smoky Mts), and had a wonderful time, just being together, and enjoying the mountains and watching the tourists, etc.

Then the very next day, BP comes along and reminds us that it's still there. Know what I mean?

Well, at least I'm glad today's a little bit better. I'm still watching him, though. He's at the store now, so at least he got up and out of bed, and even out of the house, some type of productivity. We'll see...

Anyway, I wish you peace and stability.

Remember God loves you and so do I,


At 7:22 AM, Blogger The Pastoral Princess said...

Hmmm sounds familiar. I had a fabulous day yesterday. Today I woke up feeling horrible. I want everyone to go away and crawl under the covers....

I find comfort in at least I know WHY I have acted this way for years, but it's almost more frustrating now, because I want to be pro-active and FIX it...sadly, as we all know...I can't.

Thanks again for this is a huge comfort today.


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