Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sorry I Haven't Written

Hey, y'all--

Sorry I haven't written in so long. So much has been happening. In fact, too much. As always, I tried to handle it all myself, and ended up in a mini-episode. Again, learned the lesson that when I try to do everything myself, thinking that if I don't do it, it won't get done, I end up being overloaded, and spin rapidly downhill, and just like always, I end up in an episode. It always starts with a manic episode, because I'm doing so much, but so quickly turns into a depressive episode, because I'm a rapid cycler anyway. But because I was so afraid this time, I prayed so hard, and came out of it quickly. As always, medication helped, too. And the fact that, finally, I turned to other people for help. Hopefully, this time I finally learned my lesson, and won't wait so long to ask for help when things start to pile up. And, hopefully, I won't wait so long to write on here and let y'all know what's happening.

Remember that God loves you, and so do I,


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