Monday, November 10, 2008

Stop Caring What Other People Think of You

Hey, y'all --

I've really struggled in the past with caring too much about what other people think of me, and I know some of you have, too.

Until one day I had a conversation with someone and they told me, "That's none of your business."

I was really taken aback.

"What?" I asked.

"What other people think of you." The person said. "It's none of your business."

I had to think about that, because I sure didn't get it at first.

How could it be none of my business? It sure WAS my business what other people thought of me! It sure DID matter whether they liked me or not!

Especially because I had/have bipolar disorder.

It's like because you have this "hidden handicap," you are "emotionally handicapped" as well.

I mean, other people are concerned about what people think about them as well, but it seems that we are overly concerned just because we have bipolar disorder. Like it makes us different from them somehow.

Now, I won't get up on my soapbox (not in this post, anyway) about how we ARE different, but in good ways, more creative, etc...

But that person is right. It really is none of my business what other people think of me. Whether they like me or not has nothing to do with whether I'm a good person or not. I should be a good person DESPITE what other people think of me!

We need to stop caring what other people think of us and just be ourselves!

Just be who we are, and let people think what they want to think. It really is none of our business what people think of us (negative or positive), and we're just wasting precious energy trying to please other people when we could be using our energy to help the people who need our help, to love the people who do appreciate us for who we are.

Wishing you peace and stability,

Remember God loves you and so do I,


At 12:05 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

you are so right Michele. I spent years caring about what other people thought of me. Then one day I just said the heck with it. What they feel or think does not change who I am and I stopped caring. They can like me or not does not matter to me. I am who I am and God and I know what kind of person I am and that is all that really matters.
Hope things are going really great for you and your husband. Keep up the good work you do for those of us who need your kind words and good advice.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Michele said...


So good to hear from you! I hope you're doing ok, was worried when you hadn't posted in so long. Hope you're bipolar is doing ok?

Glad you agree with me. It is so true, isn't it? You are so sweet, and you've struggled thru so much. But look how far you've come, just since you started posting on here! So who cares what anyone else thinks - they don't know what you've gone thru just to get this far.

Thanks for your kind words. Sometimes I get discouraged when I see zero posts, I'm afraid no one's listening, but people like you keep me going!


At 10:14 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

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At 11:19 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I must admit that as I mentioned on my last post I desire to master caring what others think. I will do this by exposing my disorder every appropriate chance that I get just so I do not feel as though I am hiding something to be sure that everyone likes me! I must admit that this is something that God will have to bring me through! There is such a negative stigma on Biploar that a part of me just wants to hide this weakness! Yet Paul stated that the thorn in his flesh allowed him to be closer to God! I believe that one part of my destiny is to expose my diagnosis so that some person out there (as you once wrote- "only if it is just one person") will know that their is hope! Michlelle I just feel led to share with you that just because you recieve 0 comments does not mean that 0 individuals read your blog! I do not believe in accidents and "Nothing Just Happens!" You are not here for no reason! With that being said - Stay encouraged my sister - Remember, "God Loves You and your husband Dearly!" Good night! I look forward to Sunday Service later!

In Christ,

Sue :)


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