Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Replace Bad Thoughts with Good Ones for Bipolar Health

Hey, y'all --

I was talking to my mom yesterday, and I don't know about you, but my mom has what I call the "mom button."

I can be talking to her about anything and everything that's going on in my life, happy as can be, and then she pushes the "mom button," and the next thing I know I'm crying and telling her all about my problems!

Well, here I was talking to her yesterday, and telling her about my problems, and she had some sage advice. Because she has bipolar disorder too, I usually listen closely (and follow) her advice.

She told me to replace every bad thought with a good one. Specifically, that every time I think of a problem, to think of something that's going right.

So I tried it last night.

I thought about the heater that isn't working right. Then I thought, "Well, I'm comfy under all these covers, and I'm pretty warm."

I thought about my bipolar disorder and how I'm so tired of having it. Then I thought, "Well, I'm stable and high-functioning, so that's not so bad."

I thought about my teenage son and how he's back home living with us (again). Then I thought, "But he really isn't here that often."

I thought about all the repairs that need to be made around the house. Then I thought, "But I live in a beautiful house, where at one point I was homeless."

I thought about how my husband is in so much pain from his surgery. Then I thought, "At least he's recovering, and it could have been worse."

Last night, I fell asleep counting my blessings. Mom was right!

Try this and let me know how it works for you.

Wishing you peace and stability,

Remember God loves you and so do I,


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