Friday, October 10, 2008

Balance is the Name of the Game with Bipolar

Hey, y'all --

Well, back from vacation means back to work! Being me, I have a tendency to overcompensate, so I'm trying to play catch-up as well as do all new work, so I'm pretty busy.

The problem is that, with that comes a tendency to put work before my bipolar disorder, and that is a HUGE no-no!!!

I'm not saying that bipolar disorder should come before EVERYTHING else, but I'm saying that we need to learn balance. I've learned very well how to manage my disorder, and balance is one of the main things I've had to practice in order to maintain my stability.

In order to keep balance in your life, you have to prioritize. The problem is, sometimes I forget that, and hey -- I've got to practice what I preach, right?

Like last night, I worked until 7:30 pm, because I was working on a big project and I wanted to finish it. So who got neglected? Well, hubby, of course. Fortunately, he is the most wonderful supporter in the world and he was so gracious about it. But still, it was a sign that I had my priorities out of order.

Too much of that, and for too long a period of time, and your bipolar disorder can get out of whack, know what I mean?

Balance. That's the name of the game.

So, anyway, how come everyone's so quiet? Talk to me -- what's going on with y'all? I worry when I don't hear from you.

In the meantime, I wish you peace and stability.

Remember God loves you and so do I,


At 12:19 PM, Blogger Keely said...

Hi Michele,
I've been reading ALL your posts and a few of your articles over the past week or so now. I've learned so much from them and they have really helped give me a more positive outlook on this newly dicovered disorder of mine. I'm 39 and just realizing that I have bipolar. And talk about being out of balance! I'm having a real problem with that. Whenever I find something new or interesting (like your posts) I tend to get really "hooked" on it and can't get the thing out of my mind or make myself do anything else. I just want to slap myself sometimes and scream "Stop It!!!" So I do understand the importace of having balance in my life and know it's a huge thing I've got to work on. Hopefully it will start to improve when I can get in to see a doctor and start on some medication. It's not as easy to find a doctor as I thought it might be. The choice of providers under my insurance is very limited. One office said they couldn't see me untill January and another only worked two days a week (and never called me back anyway.) When I was finally able to get an appointment they didn't even ask me what I was coming in for! Very frustrating. I'm sure you've been through this stuff before, too. Oh well, I'll just see how it goes and hope for the best.
In the meantime I'm trying to do what I can to stay calm and start to practice replacing negative thoughts with positive ones... Whatever I can start to do without the medication.
Thanks for listening! Sorry to go on and on about it all! Don't really have anyone to talk to!
Have a great day!
And keep up the good work!

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Michele said...


I am SO glad you wrote to me!

There is so much I want to say to you but, unfortunately, there is so little room on here. But keep following my blog, and I'll "pull you along," ok? Especially my next post, which will be especially for you!

I will tell you a few things, tho. The most important thing is that you do need to get on medication ASAP!!! I don't want to scare you, but the NIMH statistic says that without medication, 1 out of every 5 people with bipolar disorder will kill themselves. I know, my sister was one of them. There is NO way I want that to happen to you!!!

I know your insurance is giving you a hard time as far as providers, but are you looking for doctors or psychiatrists? You need a psych if possible. You also need a therapist for the long term, so see if you can get one while you're waiting for the doc. Or at least a clinical social worker, which is cheaper. A therapist helps you with the other BP issues, while the psych prescribes your BP meds.

Other things you can do for yourself in the meantime are watch your diet, exercise, and make sure you get 8-9 uninterrupted hours of sleep every night (that is crucial). Stress reduction techniques and relaxation techniques will also help to keep your bipolar under control.

Go to, if you haven't already, and there is more practical help for you there. Subscribe to David Oliver's f.ree online bipolar mini course. You'll get a LOT of help from that.

It sounds like you're holding your own for now, but hang in there. It does get better. I'm living proof!

Hope to hear from you tomorrow.

Remember, God loves you and so do I. Between us, we can help you reach stability.


At 11:07 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Hey, welcome back! It's been crazy, so I need to catch up on your posts.

You are so right about finding the balance between our disorder and our lives. If I focus too much on the fact that I have a disorder, I loose sight of all the other things I have to take care of. It's a pity party. But if I just take my meds and ignore it, get too wrapped up in other stuff, I don't think about my triggers at all. Which makes it worse.

It's a fine line, but I have wonderful family and friends who keep me walking it!

At 6:22 AM, Blogger Michele said...

Michelle --

It's so good to hear from you -- I was worried!

I'm glad my post made you think about balance in your life, because it is so important. And because you are coming along so well with your bipolar.

Just keep your priorities in order, and you'll do fine.

Yes, you have a disorder, but you don't have to think about it all the time at the forefront of your thoughts, and you don't have to let it run your life. And you do have to remember to take your meds every day.

But you do have to balance it with the other things you do to maintain stability, like having things to do that make you feel better about yourself, being productive (remember the To-Do Lists?), maintaining positive relationships, controlling your stress, and YES, watching your triggers (remember I recommend mood charting and journaling?).

Anyway, keep reading and keep posting, so together we can help you reach stability, ok? I love to hear from you,and miss you when I don't.



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