Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Little Christmas

Hey, y'all --

I got a very encouraging response to my last post from a friend, and she said, "A little Christmas goes a long way if it's the right kind." I got so much out of that, ya know?''

I went to see my therapist yesterday and talked about the same thing. Like I was feeling so depressed about this whole Christmas deal, and how I feel so ABnormal, so different from everyone else, who are all going in and out of the malls with bulging bags of gifts, and people decorating their houses to the max and all the Christmas shows on TV and all...

And here I am depressed, wanting to cancel Christmas because I don't have the money I had last year to go all out like I did (really, you should've seen it!)... and I just want to punch the next electric Rudolph on someone's lawn, I am so frustrated!

But I went back and read my last post on this blog, down to the part where I talked about my blessed simple life now, as opposed to the complicated life I used to have, and how I wouldn't trade it for anything. And ya know, that is so true. And right now, the putting up of the tree (to say nothing of the expense), the decorating, and all the other trappings of Christmas right now would do nothing but stress me out. And I really don't think that's the "right kind" of Christmas that my friend was talking about.

The "little bit of Christmas" I have this year is a very simple day, hopefully with my sons, if they're not off doing things with their girlfriend's families -- if not, just a quiet day at home with my husband. And remembering that Chrtistmas day is about the birth of Christ, my Savior -- not Santa Claus and presents and a tree.

Thank God for simplicity, or else I might be staring a bipolar episode in the face right now, and that sure wouldn't be worth it.

Remember that God loves you and so do I!


At 12:24 PM, Blogger Lyz Spring said...

Hi, Michelle! I hope you're continuing to resist the Christmas cultural pressure and instead enjoying your Low Key Christmas plans. Don't forget, there will be more years like last year when you CAN go all out and when you'll feel like it, because of whatever's going on in your life then. But this is now. This is the year for the Low Key Christmas, and really, they are the best kind. I am having one too, and I am certainly enjoying it. The outside of the house is getting ONE decoration: a shining star. The inside of the house is getting a decorated wreath and one lighted angel. I'm sending out Christmas cards, but I'm not sending any presents through the mail. And for the people I AM getting presents for, all the adults are getting money donated to a charity in their name. Kids all get books. Done, done, and done. I'm making Christmas dinner in the slow cooker for me and the hubby. We're going to spend the day in our double recliner in our PJ's, with the dog snuggled in there between us and the cat lying on the arm rest, watching movies and taking naps and yakking on the phone with loved ones. God Bless Us, every one!

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Michele said...


Wow, does that ever sound like a great Christmas day! My youngest son told me today that my middle son and his girlfriend won't be going with us to Mamaw's house for Christmas dinner, and my oldest son NEVER does, so it's just me, hubby and Tyler (18). So just the family dinner, which may even be on Christmas Eve day, I'm not sure, and that's it. Nice and simple. Think I'll rent a bunch of videos and do the same thing you're doing. Except without the cat! :)

Dave was REAL generous with me and blessed me this Christmas, so I'll be able to give my kids their gift cards from WalMart for Christmas like we wanted to, even tho we think it's so impersonal, it's what they want.

Anyway, thanks for your support -- you're being such a good friend at such a trying time.

Remember that God loves you and so do I!


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