Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Hey, y'all--

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was pretty good -- we went to Bill's Mamaw's (Tennessee for Grandma) house for "lunch" Thanksgiving, and the rest of the day/night was pretty quiet. Today's pretty quiet as well.

These days "quiet" pretty much equates with "stable," so I am not complaining. Stable is as close to "normal" as I get.

I talked to Dave today and I'm very excited about the next project we're working on! I get this way when I have an ongoing project and not just an article that I "whip up." I like ongoing projects. It gives me something to wake up for every day and to work on a little bit at a time. It's great, because I can work at my own speed. Some days I work all day because, like my hubby says, I get "in a zone." But other days, like a bad BP day, I just can't write a single word. But it evens out.

Today's a pretty peaceful, kind of "in-between" day. I've been battling physical pain lately, so that's added to the mix of my underlying depression -- found out I have bursitis and tendinitis in my right hip. Duh -- reckon that's why my right leg just up and decided to quit working a few days ago? I was in a LOT of pain, so my doctor put me on a pain medication, which I really fight taking, because of all the other meds I'm on, but like hubby says, "Don't be a martyr," so I am taking them twice a day and staying off my leg, and they're working. But I'm going to have to go to the bone doc and get that steroid shot into my hip. That is supposed to really help. We'll see...

Also, I did go have that sleep study done, and found out I do have sleep apnea, so I'm gonna end up on a CPAP machine. Bill's already on one for the same reason. His and hers CPAP machines. Cute. :)

I guess that's the biggest reason I've been fighting depression lately -- I'm going to be 50 yrs old next month, and all my parts are breaking down, it seems! Oh well, it could be worse, I know it could. So I shouldn't complain. At least my BP is stable, I have great docs and a wonderful therapist, and life is pretty good these days. What good would complaining accomplish?

Altho, if you do need to vent (the politically correct word for complain), you are free to do it here, and I will listen and try my best to help! :)

In the meantime, happy holidays to you, and...
Remember that God loves you, and so do I!


At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Michele, I just listened to your CD interview with David and it really gives me hope. My partner was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder. Seems like it's taking a long time for her meds to help her get stable. It is really exhausting emotionally for both of us. Have you ever considered being a coach?

Also, did you know there's an oral appliance that can sometimes be used in place of a CPAP? You can find out more at

Thanks for all your service!

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Michele said...

Hi, Donna --

And thanks for your comments!

re: Sleep appliance, actually, I am going for my second sleep study tonight and they will work with which appliance I should use.

re: meds taking a long time to help your partner get stable, unfortunately, it does take a great deal of patience on both your parts, and can definitely be emotionally exhausting. Just remember that this is a fight -- you against the BP that is trying to take your loved one away from you. Don't give up the fight! It will be worth it in the end!

Have you ever heard of the concept of losing the battle but winning the war? That's kind of like what this is. And you WILL, indeed, win this war! Although, the little battles (which, I know, don't seem so little to you) along the way may seem like you're losing, like the fight with medications.

But hang tough! You CAN win against BP! As long as you both hold together, have the same goals, both stay positive, try to stay patient, and keep your eyes on the end of the war -- the stability that your partner will gain in the end.

re: my being a coach, it's funny you say that, as David and I are working on that very thing right now! Pretty soon, I will be able to be a coach! I'm really looking forward to being one. I really want to help more people.

Keep hanging in there, Donna -- for yourself as well as for your partner.

And remember that God loves you and so do I!


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement Michele! One more question - how important do you think it is for someone with bipolar disorder to go to therapy and why?

All the best!


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