Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm So Excited!

Hey, y'all --

I am so excited! Something *I've* written is finally going to be published! Well, not published in the mainstream in a paperback, not like that, but Dave is going to print it and sell it on his website! It's a devotional I wrote just for Christians who have bipolar disorder! I checked before I wrote it, and of the 22 million websites that I googled under the word bipolar (of which we are number 5, thank you very much), there is not a single online devotional just for Christians with bipolar! And I checked, and of their many hundreds of devotionals (or more), there isn't one for us, either! So I went ahead and did it!

I can't believe it! I am so excited! It's supposed to be printed this week (I think). Dave's already getting orders for it, and it's not even printed yet! That shows me how much people are hungry for something like this. I know I would be. It stems from questions I had asked myself, like, "If I'm such a good Christian, why do I still have BP?" or "If God loves me so much, why do I still have BP?" or "Is there something wrong with my faith? Do I not have enough faith?" or "Am I doing something wrong?" or "If God is such a great healer, why hasn't He healed me of my BP?" and questions like that.

But up until now, those questions have just simmered inside me, with no place to go, and no one who I felt could understand me. I felt like if I shared it with my friends in the church community, they would judge me for not having enough faith, and I just think they are just majorly scared of mental illness to begin with. And with my non-Christian friends, well, they don't want to hear about God at all. So I was kind of stuck in the middle, just writing about it in my journal.

So this devotional is a combination of scripture, those journal entries, and prayer. And it also has a built-in journal for you, too! Something else that no one else has ever done! Because I hate having to jump from my own devotional reading to my journal and back again, so we did it this way so you wouldn't have to. Doesn't that sound great? Our own devotional, written strictly for Christians with BP! Now do you see why I'm so excited?

I'm also pretty proud of myself, because for once I finally carried out my own goal, my own writing, like my sons and my husband are always bugging me to do. Dave let me do the project so he could offer it on the website to y'all (he's always taking care of us, isn't he?), but it was always my dream to do something like this. I actually started the writing 15 years ago and only now am seeing my dream come true (thanks to Dave, and to God). How many people can say that?

Anyway, I hope you get a copy, and I hope you like it. Let me know, ok?


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