Sunday, July 29, 2007

Better News

Hey, y'all!
I'm still hesitant to believe that Mom can be so much better after just 24 hours, but I talked to her last night, and she sounded almost like herself again! Could it be true? The psych took her off Lithium and put her back on her Seroquel -- she slept 11 hrs straight -- and last night she didn't have that "tone" in her voice. I can't describe it to you; it's just this certain tone in her voice that she gets when she's in an episode -- I remember it from way back. But she was cheerful, and sounded so much better. Dare I hope...

In my own life, things are just going along, and usually that's the best I hope for. Simply normal days -- no high highs and no low lows. Just consistent. Stable. As normal as normal can be for someone with BP.

Hope y'all are doing ok. Let me know how you're doing!


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