Friday, February 23, 2007

Date Night

Hey, y'all!

Well, it's "Date Night," so I'm excited about going out with my husband. It's just something we do every Friday night, to kind of keep the romance in our marriage. I love it, because we are still best friends, and Date Night is like I'm still going out with my best friend. It's kind of a challenge to find different things to do on a cheap budget (living on Disability), but...hey, he does get pretty creative! I wonder what he'll come up with tonight! How can he possibly beat chocolate and a rose on Valentine's Day, tho?

Well, whatever it is, I hope it'll bring me out of this funk I've been in for the last week. I've been afraid if I went any further down, I'd end up in an episode. Can't have that, can we? I do have a tendency to isolate when I get like this, and that's one of my triggers. It's just that sometimes I just kinda "hate the world," ya know? Nothing else really wrong, I just "hate the world!" It's not that the world has done anything wrong to me, or anything, just that I get in "that kind of mood"! Ah, but Bill (my husband) is the best husband in the world--I think because he has BP too, he is sooo understanding. He doesn't baby me, I don't mean that at all, but he understands when I feel that way, and he helps me NOT to go into an episode. Bill is so funny (which is one of the reasons why I fell in love with him in the first place)--and he pulls out his arsenal of FUN, and, well, to put it simply, he cracks me up! Enough of that, and I just forget why I hated the world to begin with!

So today is Date Night, and I've again forgotten why I hated the world, and I can't wait to see where we're going tonight. Of course, anywhere with Bill will be hilarious, like the time he took me to the mall the day before Christmas, and we sat at the food court watching all the crazy people trying to buy last-minute gifts! Talk about hilarious!

Well, I hope y'all have a good "Date Night" night too!
Remember, God loves you, and so do I!
Love, Michele


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