Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Just a Normal Day (What's NORMAL???)

Hey, y'all--

Well, today is just a normal day (what IS normal, anyway???). I remember reading somewhere (I think Erma Bombeck said it) that "NORMAL is just a setting on your dryer." I like that. Having BP and other mental disorders, it's been a long time since I've worried about trying to be normal. In fact, I have a keychain that says, "Why be normal, when I can just be ME?" That's more along the way I think now. Things are so much easier that way!

Ya know, my life used to be filled with crises. So when my life became stable, I sorta didn't know how to handle it, know what I mean? These days, a "normal" day like this is just fine with me. Because before, I would get depressed, just because I didn't know how to handle "normal." It just wasn't a part of my vocabulary! There was either crisis, or waiting for crisis. Suicide or thinking about suicide! No "normal," no "un-crisis." I just didn't know HOW to live a stable life. It just wasn't something I thought you could learn!

But ya know, stability IS something you can attain, at least, if not learn. It feels SO good to be stable today. I don't need excitement anymore. Just a nice, "normal" day like today is just fine with me, thank you very much! :)

Remember, God loves you and so do I!
Love, Michele


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