Saturday, January 28, 2006

This Too Shall Pass

Ouch. Bad day. And it isn't even Monday! Yeah, guess what? I get depressed, too, and today is one of those days. I went too far into my head--a place I should never go without parental supervision, anyway. But I did...and went into my past, and the next thing you know, well, we all know what happens when we dwell on something we have no place dwelling on...yep! You got it! Instant depression, just like we can pour it out of a box and pour some milk over it, serve it with a spoon and voila! Instant breakfast. Sorry for the sarcasm, but hey, if I don't at least try to inject a little humor into this, I may spiral down into this thing and go where no man has gone before! (insert Star Trek theme here).

Anyway, I started thinking about my dad, who was physically abusive, and started thinking the "it's not fair" thing...then jumped right onto that ole pity pot...and yeah, Mr. Depression came a-callin' just like I had set out the cold cuts and party platter! Started crying so hard I ended up with a migraine (naturally) and had to take a migraine pill, and so anxious I had to take one of "those" pills as well. You know the ones--the cute little white or yellow ones they give you to take "as needed"--yeah, those, the ones you have to take when you feel like kicking the dog! (or cat, or spouse, or [insert choice here]).

Ok, so then I'm calmer, at least, laying in bed, counting the holes in my ceiling tiles, trying to get some gratitude. Well, the only thing I can feel grateful for right now is that I'm counting the holes in MY ceiling tiles instead of the ceiling tiles in the institution! But hey, I think to myself, it could be worse.

And that's when things start changing. That one thought--"It could be worse." Because then I think, "Hey--I've been here before. I've felt like this before. I've been depressed before. I have felt "crazy" before. The key is, I have always come out of it. Yes, however dark this depression feels right now, however strong these emotions are, however crazy I feel right now... I have been here before. AND I HAVE ALWAYS COME OUT THE OTHER SIDE!!

So there you have it. No great Shakespearean quote, no great Einsteinean theory... just a little bit of hope from one BP to another. When we are in a depression, no matter how bad it seems at the time, it helps to remember: THIS TOO SHALL PASS! Think to yourself, just as I have had to do today--I have been here before, and I came out on the other side. I can do it again. Sometimes that's the best we can do, but at least that's something!

Hey! Guess what? I feel better now! Really! I do! Maybe that's another thing--talking it out (or writing it out, like I just did) may help during a depression. Ya think?

Anyway, God loves you and so do I. Hope at least that thought helps.


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