Tuesday, January 17, 2006

True Richness

Hey, y'all--

Many of us with BP have had to go on disability and, thus, have had to struggle with surviving on very little income, so financial hardship is a big part of having bipolar disorder. With that in mind, I'd like to share with you what I wrote in my journal this morning:

"Richness" is not calculated in dollars and cents but, rather, by the condition of the spirit. If one's spirit is content and one's heart full of love, peace, and joy, that person has richness beyond which any amount of money could purchase. On the other hand, if one is spiritually bankrupt, continually seeking accolades, attention and financial rewards from the world for his efforts, yet finds his heart cold and empty, that person is in such poverty that all the money in the world could not make him "rich."

I hope each of you realize that you are richer than you realized you were, and I pray that today would be an "up" day for all of you.

God loves you and so do I!


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