Saturday, December 17, 2005

Happy Day Normal Day

Hey, y'all--

Every day since the ECT has been a happy day for me. The other day I was telling someone that it almost felt like I was on a "high," I felt so happy! He told me that it was just normal for me, that that was what "normal" felt like. I just hadn't ever felt it before. So I guess my happy is everyone else's normal. Either way, today was a happy day for me. You can call it normal if you like.

Things have been going so well for me lately. Not a single bad day. I did have a downtime about my sister, but after having shared about it, agreed with the advice given me that it is still part of the grief cycle, and that I am still grieving over her--and that it is not the fear of going crazy again, or losing the good that the ECT did, or going back to the way I was before. So I let up on myself, didn't panic, and believed for the best, and today went a little better. I am still so very sad about my sister, I still miss her so much, and I have been a bit teary today, but the rest of my day was happy.

No big news, just a quiet weekend at home day. No drama. No tragedy. No trauma. Thank God. Just a regular day! Praise the Lord!

Love you,


At 7:26 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

I've wondered what normal feels like! You're so brave to share as much as you do. Thanks you so much for sharing, especially about the ECT, it doesn't seem so scary after reading your experiences with it. Blogs have literally saved my life, I've talked to hundreds of people with Bipolar and other illnesses, keep it up!



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