Sunday, November 06, 2005

Practice Living in Today

Hey, y'all--

I know you read this blog for bipolar, but I just wanted to share what someone said in my AA meeting today--I think it's relevant for BP as well:

I was sharing about my upcoming ECT, and in response he reminded me that "none of us is promised tomorrow." I remember that, because I know it comes from the Bible. And he went on to tell me to take it one day at a time, which you know is a popular theme in any 12-step program (and good advice just for life in general, even if you're not in a 12-step program)--but he added something, which is what I wanted to share--


Now, that may not be a big deal to y'all, but it's a big deal to me, because that's where most of my problems lie. I worry so much about tomorrow, next week, next year, etc. and that's what stresses me out--in fact, that's what one of my BP triggers is--when I find myself getting too worked up about something happening in the future, I can be pushed into a bipolar episode.

And usually it is something over which I have no control, anyway, and definitely no control over at the moment (today), because I'm not even there yet. See what I mean? I know at least some of you can relate to that.

PRACTICE LIVING IN TODAY seems so simple at first reading, but think about it--if you knew you had today, and only today, what would you do? How would you change your life? Who would you call? (and why haven't you done it yet?)

See what I mean? PRACTICE LIVING IN TODAY. Don't worry about tomorrow, because it isn't even here yet, and you can't do anything about your problem/situati0n/crisis today. Let it go. Live today to the fullest, and leave the future to God. He knows what He's doing.

Remember, you are not alone--God is with you.



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