Thursday, February 05, 2009

Bipolar Depression Because of Dropping Medication

Hey, y'all --

Well, I spent one truly depressed day yesterday, due to dropping a bipolar med. Don't worry, I discussed it with my psychiatrist first. Today, I feel the same, so that's how I know it's the medication, and not the bipolar (going into a bipolar depressive episode) or me myself (just being in a bad mood) or just having a funky day.

That's what I wanted to talk about today.

You know how I'm always talking about NEVER going off your medications without talking it over with your doctor or psychiatrist first, right? Well, I did talk about this first with my psych.

I'm on alot of bipolar meds, and sometimes it gets to me. I wish I could take one magic pill and I'd be stable with my bipolar (but don't we all! :)) Usually, I'm ok with it, because my "sanity cocktail" works for me, and it took a long time to get the combination of meds I'm on now, and the stability I so cherish. It's just that sometimes, I look at all the bottles and think about how many I'm taking, and wish for that one magic pill, you know?

Oh, well, I have to deal with reality. And the reality is, I do have to take all those pills to remain stable. And, as I always say, I'll do whatever it takes to stay stable -- I fought too hard to get here.

Well, anyway, I was telling my psych about all this, and we talked about which of my meds we could drop, if any. And he said that, if I wanted, we could drop this one, "on a trial basis," and see how I do. I should say, emphasis on "and see how I do." Because, apparently, I'm not doing very well off this medication.

For a few days, I was doing pretty well. Actually, very well, since I didn't notice any difference. But some medications stay in your system, at a certain level in your bloodstream, for 24-36 hours, some even more. This one, I guess, stayed the 36 hours. Then, the depression set in yesterday, and is there again today.

I'm on mood stabilizers, but this one is specifically for depression only, and combined real well with them. We thought I'd do ok without it. At least "on a trial basis." We also talked about only going down to 1/2 a pill. My point was, if I only go down to 1/2 a pill, I'm still taking the pill, which defeats the whole purpose -- I still have to take a pill! :)

Ok, so here's the point (points):

Point #1: I already knew not to mess with my meds without talking to my psychiatrist about it first. Now, I have a great psych, who lets me be a part of my own treatment (as all good docs should). He left the decision up to me.

Point #2: He said we'd do it on a "trial basis."

Point #3: We had a Plan B (go to 1/2 pill instead of a whole pill). We even had a Plan C (I could go back to a whole pill if the 1/2 pill didn't cut it).

Point #4: I noted my signs and symptoms. One time, or one day of depression, does not a bipolar episode make. Even people without bipolar disorder get depressed from time to time. You can't judge by a single time. But today I have the same symptoms. (I could give it another day to just make sure, but two days is enough for me, thank you very much!)

But tonight I'm going back on that med. I appreciate my psych letting it be my decision, I really do. And I know it's my body. It's also my bipolar disorder, and I've learned to manage it well. Part of that management has been learning how to manage my bipolar meds -- so this is all part of that. I did the right thing -- I talked to my psych first, we worked out a plan, and I followed that plan.

But it's not worth the depression. I HATE being depressed, don't you? Like the world drops out from under you? I much prefer stability, where maybe there isn't that "high high" excitement from a bipolar mania, but there isn't that "low low" from a bipolar depression, either. I like being "normal," somewhere in between.

I wish I didn't need medication, don't you? But if it helps us stay stable, isn't it worth it?

Wishing you peace and stability,

Remember God loves you and so do I,


At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:23 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Man do I know how you feel. I am on about 12 or 13 different medications. Only three are for my bipolar. I would love to be medication free but that will not ever happen. My doctor recently added insulin to my ever growing list of meds. I am having a terrible time remembering to take it because it can't sit on my dresser with the rest of my meds. I have to keep it in the refrigerator so I forget all about it. Any suggestions on how to remember to give myself that injection would be greatly appreciated.
So did you go back on that medication yet or are you still trying to go without it> How are you feeling now? I hope it didn't throw you into a full blown episode? Let me know how you are doing now I have been worried about you.
Your Friend
PS. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I have had a bad migraine for the last week and have not been able to see anything clearly enough to read it.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Michele said...

Melissa --
So sorry to hear about your migraine. I know how you feel - I have had them for over 30 years! As for the insulin, suggestions are post-its (don't laugh - I use them for everything!) on the mirror, refrigerator, and anywhere else you might see them. Also, the timer on your stove, if you have one. Or associate taking it with something else (like a TV show) that you do regularly when you're due for your insulin. Those are some ideas - hope they help. I take Fish Oil (Omega-3) and keep it in the freezer away from my other meds, so I know how you feel.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who takes a lot of meds. It helps to know that. I was starting to feel like a prescription junkie!

Yes, I did go back on that med, after 2 days of depression. I knew that was a sign, and was NOT willing to go into a full-blown episode to confirm it! I've been fine ever since. And thank you so much for your concern.

ps. Hope you're feeling better.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I will try that and see if it helps. Someone on the bipolar board on Ivillage also suggested getting one of those boards for the frig that you can write on and putting the days of week and a happy face on each day so when I look at it I will see that I did or didn't take it for that day. I am amazed that I can remember and don't ever forget to take my bipolar meds but when it comes to the diabetic meds I always forget them. I now take my oral meds with my bipolar meds so that I don't forget them.
I woke feeling better and able to see everything without the fog but now I am starting to get a headache and my vision is once again foggy/blurred. I really need to go see the doc about it. I need new glasses too. I keep putting it off cuz i am so afraid that either they won't be able to figure out why my vision keeps doing this or they will figure it out and tell me I am losing my sight. Stupid huh. When we get our state return back hubby says he is taking me to eye doctor to get new glasses so guess I will know something then. Years ago they suspected MS but I got scared of that and never really had it investigated further than the MRI on my brain which says I have three unknown spots on my brain that the radiologist said was MS. My nuerologist at the time was not willing to diagnose it as MS.
Anyho, Thank you for the advice I will try that and see if it helps any.

At 7:37 AM, Blogger Michele said...

Good luck, Melissa --

I hope everything works out.

I have one of those greaseboards on my fridge, too. It helps me keep all my appointments. I'd be lost without it!



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