Thursday, December 18, 2008

Within Every Bad Situation is a Gift

Hey, y'all --

I got a comment to one of my posts that I thought deserved a post of its own. When you read it, you'll see what I mean. Her words say my thoughts better than I could say them myself:

goodenough said...
Recently I have reflected on stressful situations that are occurring in my life. At first I was feeling really overwhelmed and alone. Then I remembered a book that I read last year at the request of my wise husband, Michael. It said that within every bad situation is a gift. So, I decided that my gifts in this are that I have the opportunity to become more resourceful; to hone my skills at work; and the opportunity to learn to rely more on the One who gives me breath.The other night I dreamed that I would die in 5 months. And while there were many ways I could interpret this dream, I didn't take the obvious one that this was in fact a prophecy. Instead last night when I couldn't sleep, I reflected on how I would treat other people if I knew that I only had a few more months on this earth. I believe I would be more forgiving; I would make sure that everyone that is close to me knew how very much I love them and how I appreciate the impact that they have had on my life. I reflected on how other people might treat me. Perhaps their reaction would be the same to me. So, why don't I do that everyday - as the song says "Live Like I was Dying"? What is the variable? I believe it is certainty. With certainty, we react differently than we do when things are uncertain. Our plans are clearer. Our acts, more deliberate and intentional. With uncertainty I become a variety of things - anxious, overwhelmed, complacent and take things for granted. But with uncertainty, I am given great opportunities. The opportunity to learn and improve my situation. To change me in order to survive and thrive. The One from above can provide strength, comfort and energy if in these times I recognize the gift. We are really like 3 year olds. There are certain things that are just on a need to know basis with kids. Thank God that I don't have complete certainty all the time. Then I would know the fullness of tragedy and hurt deeply. I would become lazy and unmotivated to change, improve, love and appreciate. So the gift today in all of this is uncertainty. Certainty can bring a sense of peace, but it is synthetic and transient peace. It is not organic and authentic nor long-lasting. True peace for me comes from a surrender to a power greater than I. In this season of doubt, fear and incredible uncertainty, praise the gift.

Wishing you peace and stability,

Remember God loves you and so do I,


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