Monday, July 11, 2005

Just an OK Day

Hey, y'all--
Was just sitting here thinking I wanted to post on here and see how everyone was doing... wanted to share what was up with me and all...and thought, well, nothing is really new! No real pearls of wisdom to share or anything. Just an OK day. But then I thought, these days "just an OK day" is great! I remember going through that last episode and wondering if I would ever make it to "just an OK day" ever again, and what I would give for "just an OK day." For me, an OK day is everyone else's (people who don't have bipolar) normal day. But my OK day is a great day for me--a day when I don't have a high high or a low low...when everything just kinda goes smoothly and there's no drama or chaos, ya know? Before being diagnosed with bipolar, my life was overwhelmed with drama. Some people even called me a drama queen. Imagine that! LOL

These days, peace is my companion, serenity my friend. I am so grateful to have a great support system and to finally have a "sanity cocktail" (group of medications) that works for me so that I have good stability again, so that I am able to say I am having "just an OK day." And, dare I hope??? Maybe, just maybe, tomorrow may be "just an OK day" too. Wow. Two days in a row. Ya think? For now I'll just take one day at a time. Anything else is too much. But I'm glad today is ok.

Tyler and I went to our local used book and CD store today, our favorite thing to do together, and that was really nice. He's driving now, got his permit (pray for me! JK) he enjoyed driving us there, and we had a really good talk. I'm working on not interrupting him, which is going very well, cuz one of the problems with bipolar is the impulsivity and talking too much. So he pointed that out to me, that I interrupt him all the time, and that's why he was getting angry with me so much. So I've been consciously working on not doing that, and believe it or not, we've actually stopped fighting! I can't believe it was something as simple as that. But it's working, and I'm grateful.

Well, I hope y'all are having an OK day, too. Check in, ok? Let me know what's going on with y'all, what's new, how you're doing with your bipolar, etc. Much too quiet out there! :)



At 9:57 AM, Blogger Suzy said...

Hi Michelle,

Reading yours and others stories helps me to cope and stand firm in my decision to continue supporting my Fiancee. I am in the "support" seat and that is a role that I take seriously. Thank you for being courageous enough come "out" and share your story with with all of us!

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Michele said...

Hi, Krista--

Welcome to the blog! Come visit often. We share the ups and downs of living with bipolar, whether the survivor or the supporter, and we try to encourage each other. The main thing to know is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Here you will meet friends who have been where you are, and will help you go thru it. So come visit us again! And again, welcome.


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